作者:管理员    发布于:2017-06-11 14:42:10    文字:【】【】【
摘要: 美国Gagemaker石油螺纹单项仪是全球知名的石油螺纹测量专家,在很多石油规范文件中有其身影,比如在API-5B、API 6A产品中都有介绍如何检测螺纹的单项参数,而其中就列举了很多gagemaker的产品,中径量仪、牙高量仪、齿高量仪、牙型角等等。
  美国Gagemaker石油螺纹单项仪是全球知名的石油螺纹测量专家,在很多石油规范文件中有其身影,比如在API-5B、API 6A产品中都有介绍如何检测螺纹的单项参数,而其中就列举了很多gagemaker的产品,中径量仪、牙高量仪、齿高量仪、牙型角等等。
  苏州斯文克精密测量设备有限公司是一家专业的进口量具贸易商,可以提供售前技术支持、报价、方案制作、产品 售后服务等等,代理的品牌也众多,包括美国PMC石油螺纹规、PMC Lone Star、Vermont gage螺纹规、德国stotz进口气动量仪美国western gage进口气动量仪、瑞士pretec位移传感器、瑞士进口气动量仪、gagemaker单项仪、美国dorsey超大卡规、美国Johnson gage螺纹量仪等等,欢迎前来咨询。型号 产品描述
TDWIN Thread Disk software program,  single user
MT-3036F-50 MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Force-Lok, DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 36” External- 1½” to 37½”
RG-7001 External thread roll gage 4” to 8”
RG-7002 External thread roll gage 8” to 12”
RG-7003 External thread roll gage 12” to 16”
RG-7004 External thread roll gage 16” to 20”
PG-6000 Internal thread roll gage 1½” to 9”
PG-6001 Internal thread roll gage 9” to 16”
TRA-4P Thread Roll- 4 pitch ACME (Set of 2)
TRSA-4P Thread Roll- 4 pitch Stub ACME (Set of 2)
TRSA-2P Thread Roll- 2 pitch Stub ACME (Set of 2)
TRSA-3P Thread Roll- 3 pitch Stub ACME (Set of 2)
TDWINTaper Thread Disk for API Tapered Threads Software, single user
TF-.75T ¾” Taper Blocks, 8 & 10 Round, ¾” TPF Buttress, Line Pipe
MRP-2003 Internal / External PD Gage, 2⅜"-20", w/ 4¼” reach
LG-5002 2-Point Lead gage ½” - 4” Thread leads, Contact point spacing .193”
LS-1001 ¾” TPF, 8 & 10 TPI Lead Setting Standard
LS-1005 ¾” TPF, 5 TPI Lead Setting Standard
IT-6001 Internal Taper Gage Any Depth, 5” - 13⅜” Dia. (can be increased with extensions)
ET-7004 External Taper, ½” travel 0” - 16”
TH-3002B External Thread Height Gage, 0-25-0, ¾” TPF Buttress (T072)
TH-3002R External Thread Height Gage, 0-50-0, 8-Round (T501)
1014 Thread Height Standard- 8 & 10 Round Threads   
1017 Thread Height Standard- 13 3/8” & Smaller Buttress, ¾” TPF
TP-5BTC75-EXT Profile Gage-API Buttress Casing, External, 4½” - 13⅜”, ¾” TPF, 5 TPI
TP-5BTC75-INT Profile Gage-API Buttress Casing, Internal, 4½” - 13⅜”, ¾” TPF, 5 TPI
DB-R24 Dog Bone Ring Groove Gage R-RX24
BXP-151 Go / NoGo Profile Gage BX-151
BXP-152 Go / NoGo Profile Gage BX-152
BXP-155 Go / NoGo Profile Gage BX-155
BXP-156 Go / NoGo Profile Gage BX-156
BXP-158 Go / NoGo Profile Gage BX-158
BXP-159 Go / NoGo Profile Gage BX-159
BXP-160 Go / NoGo Profile Gage BX-160
DB-R54 Dog Bone Ring Groove Gage R-RX54
DB-R46 Dog Bone Ring Groove Gage R-RX46
DB-R50 Dog Bone Ring Groove Gage R-RX50
