Gage Assembly螺纹规
Gage assembly授权经销商
Gage assembly中国区代理商
Gage assembly进口螺纹规
美国Gage assembly进口量规


Company Description by Sowant Precision Gage

Manufacturer of standard & special thread gages for threads including American inch, metric, acme buttress, straight & tapered pipe. Features include hard chrome finish, resistance to wear, anti-friction properties & freedom from distortion. Materials used include oil hardened graphitic tool steel. Available in size capabilities from 000 to 127 threads per in. to 15 1/2 in. dia. Gages comply with ANSI standards.

Company Description by Gage Assembly Co.

Gage Assembly Company manufactures standard and special thread gages for virtually every type of thread. American inch, metric, acme, buttress, straight and tapered pipe are all available. Size capabilities run from 000-127 threads per inch to 15 1/2-inch diameter and one thread per inch. All gages are manufactured to ANSI standards, and are traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). Gage Assembly is ISO 9001 certified.


   美国Gage Assembly Company(简称:G.A.CO)是美国专业生产标准和非标量规的企业,生产美标、ISO、米制量规、ACME量规,Butress量规、梯形量规、直管螺纹量规、锥管螺纹量规,同时可以提供镀铬量规,最大尺寸可以做到15 1/2 inch.同时美国Gage Assembly Company同时拥有ISO9001体系。

   苏州斯文克精密测量设备有限公司专业代理美国Gage Assembly Company量规,货期短、价格公道、同时我们与航天计量合作,可以为你提供专业的计量服务,我们也代理美国众多品牌,包括Dorsey metrology数显卡规、美国rex gauge邵氏硬度计、美国Johnson gage螺纹量仪western gage气动量仪、德国IBR量仪、美国sun-tec硬度块clark硬度计、便携式洛氏硬度计、美国SPI通用数显卡尺等,期待您的光临。
